Creating or updating your resume for the modern job search can be daunting for even the most experienced professionals. While many aspects of the job hunt have changed, one aspect has stood the test of time: having a clean and tidy resume free of mistakes. No spelling errors, no missed periods, no formatting irregularities. But how can you ensure that no mistakes slip through the cracks? Here are 3 tips on how to proof your resume effectively.
Emphasize Consistency
When reviewing your resume, much of the attention will be placed initially on the content of the document, making sure that each word is spelled correctly and the sentence structure all works grammatically. However, a perfect resume is more than correctly spelled words. Be sure to review the job titles, companies, and other headings throughout the document to confirm that each is a consistent size and font throughout the resume.
Print Out Your Resume Ahead Of Time
By taking the extra step of printing out your resume, you can get a true representation of how the resume will look to hiring professionals on the receiving end of your application. If anything is askew with the margins or any information is cut off from the bottom, you can always make the proper adjustments digitally.
Ask A Friend For Help
It always helps to have another set of eyes to take a look at the resume. After working on the content for some time, you may become too familiar with the document to notice the little things. Bringing in someone with an eye for detail can help to correct any little spelling, grammar, or formatting errors that may be on the page. Additionally, they can also provide constructive feedback on the resume that can strengthen the document overall.
Using these tips, you’ll be able to make sure you have a resume with every ‘t’ crossed and every ‘i’ dotted. If you’re having trouble getting started, check out our 3 Simple Resume Writing Tips to Maximize Your Resume to get your resume moving in the right direction, or give us a call for more information from Employment BOOST’s Career Services professionals.