Getting to work on time in the morning is a basic tenet of professionalism in the workplace. But isn’t it surprising how often people can mess up even this most basic of principles? Things like making sure your work space is tidy, and speaking to others respectfully and in a manner appropriate for your work environment, are not only signs of good manners, but are also an acknowledgement of proper professional etiquette.
We compiled a list of some of the top 10 funniest, but worst excuses to use as reasons for being late to work. Be warned, these excuses won’t endear yourself to your organization’s management. In fact, we are certain that if you use any of these excuses are reasons for why you are late for work, there may be greater repercussions!
My Mom Didn’t Wake Me Up
My Mom Didn’t Wash My Work Clothes
I Was Early Yesterday, I Thought It’d Even Out
A Pothole Ate My Car
I Tell Time By Looking At The Sun. It Was Cloudy
My Flip Phone Doesn’t Have An Alarm
I’m Sorry I’m Late, I Don’t Like Coming Here
So, Wait, This Work Thing Is Every Day?
Someone Stole My Catalytic Converter
I Accidentally Locked My Keys Out Of My Car