At Employment BOOST, we believe that some things should not be left to automation and technology. To us, layoffs and restructurings fall into that category. When an individual is told they have been made redundant, the last thing they want to have to do next is log into a portal, watch pre-recorded videos, and be told to figure out the job search on their own.
Our High-Touch, Human-Focused Approach to Outplacement is a proven, cost-effective, and ultimately, empathetic model for a successful offboarding experience, designed for employees who are facing imminent job searches. Unlike so many other providers, Employment BOOST Outplacement Services give outplacement recipients the opportunity to team up with our in-house staff of Certified Professional Resume Writers, Certified Professional Career Coaches, Recruiters, and Executive Leaders to gain an upper hand across resume writing, career document creation, job search strategies, interview preparation, and so much more.
In addition to core job search assistance, companies tap into outplacement services for other benefits, too:
Sometimes, People Need Someone To Talk To
This cannot be stressed enough, but our experience is that individuals who have been let go from their positions often need a space to vent and pick up the pieces before pursuing their next opportunity. By providing Employment BOOST Outplacement Services, companies are giving their transitioning employees the best support infrastructure available on the market.
Protect Your Organizational Reputation & Employer Brand
Often neglected during the offboarding process is how a negative experience can lead to employer brand and reputational impacts. Outplacement Services are an effective tactic in quelling transitioning employee frustrations – buffering your organization from the consequences of negative reviews floating around.
Help Your Transitioning Employees Find A New Role Faster
Employment BOOST Outplacement Services recipients find new roles in 25% of time it traditionally takes someone who has received no assistance to find a new role. That’s income protection for the affected employee, and less negative feelings towards your organization.
Limit Drawdown of the Unemployment Pool & Save on Unemployment Insurance
Another downside to layoffs is the effect on the company’s unemployment insurance premiums. By getting transitioning employees into new roles faster, your organization benefits from limited drawdown of unemployment benefits – a positive return on investment impact easily generated through the addition of outplacement services to your offboarding processes.