Let’s face it – job searches are difficult, tedious, and often demoralizing. Moreover, numerous articles from various job search websites contain radically divergent and conflicting information. What’s a job seeker to do? Fortunately, there are professional coaching services from firms such as Employment BOOST that take the guesswork out of your job hunt.
What is professional coaching?
Many people have never heard of professional coaching. The concept is fairly straightforward – professional coaching is a service that partners you with a trained consultant. Your partner possesses deep expertise related to the job market and hiring trends as well as the habits of human resources representatives and recruiters. Depending on the exact service you purchase, your consultant will work with you to focus your job search and help you take your career to the next level.
Who are professional coaching consultants? What makes them qualified to offer coaching services?
Your consultant’s background will vary depending on a number of factors. Is your consultant from a freelancing website? Did you hire your consultant through a reputable firm? Coaching consultants come from a variety of backgrounds and industries, but many of them likely spent time as recruiters or hiring managers themselves. Wherever you find your coaching consultant, make sure that they have a strong reputation in the field.
What does a professional coaching session look like?
Depending on your situation, your coaching session will take place over the phone or in person. The consultant will ask about your career goals, your skills, and your work experience. If you aren’t sure what the next steps in your career should be, they can help you figure out the best path to take. Furthermore, your consultant can give you tips on applying for jobs, conducting interviews, and passing employment screens.
Is professional coaching right for me?
Regardless of your industry or profession, coaching will help you conquer the myriad challenges that confront all of us when we embark on a job search. Whether you’re at the executive or entry-level, the expertise offered by professional coaching consultants provides you with an invaluable competitive advantage over other job seekers.